RSB Memory Game 2023
What is a memory game?
Images of everyday objects chosen by bioscience researchers are featured in the game. Test your group's observational skills and short term memory recall, and see how many objects you can remember when they are covered after 30 seconds.
Once you have a winner explore how the objects link to each biologist's research area and learn more about their work by reading their profiles.
Download the Memory Game for under-16s
If you are a teacher you might like to use this game to inspire a lesson in school on biology, careers or creative writing. This resource would also make a suitable STEM club or community group activity.
You might also like to check out our A to Z of the Biosciences short videos, where you can meet biologists from a whole range of sectors.
Download the Memory Game for over-16s
The scientific papers included in our memory game are an opportunity to learn more about the featured research and scientists. This could be useful for interest, for a journal club or if you are already at university you might like to work on similar research or work with one of the featured scientists.
The scientists featured in this game are:

Professor Alison Mather
Head, Microbes and Food Safety Programme
Quadram Institute Bioscience
Read their research paper

Professor Cait E. MacPhee
Professor of Biological Physics
University of Edinburgh
Read their research paper

Professor Claire Domoney
Emeritus Fellow
John Innes Centre
Read their research paper

Dr Diane Lees-Murdock
Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science
Ulster University
Read their research paper

Professor Diane Purchase
Professor of Environmental Biotechnology
Middlesex University
Read their research paper

Helen K Mylne
PhD Researcher
University of York
Read their chosen research paper

Professor Jennifer Littlechild
Professor of Biological Chemistry
University of Exeter
Read their research paper

Dr Kerrie Farrar
Program Lead: Resilient Crops
IBERS, Aberystwyth University
Read their research paper

Professor Nathalie Juge
Group Leader
Quadram Institute
Read their research paper

Dr Parvez Alam
Reader in Mechanical Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
Read their research paper

Dr Rob Barringer
Research Associate
University of Bristol
Read their research paper

Dr Rose K Davidson
Lecturer in Nutrition and Biomedicine
University of East Anglia
Read their research paper

Professor Sandra Esteves
Professor in Bioprocess Technology for Resource Recovery: Energy & Materials
University of South Wales
Read their research paper
We would like to thank the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) for their financial support which has made this resource possible.
We hope you enjoy taking part in our Memory Game.