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East Midlands banner

Welcome to the regional pages for East Midlands. Full details of national and local events are available on our events pages.

Upcoming branch events

Watch this space for news about upcoming branch events.

Past branch events

Visit the reports section to find out about past events the branch have run.

Social media

Visit the East Midlands branch Twitter page for more branch news.

AGM minutes

The minutes from the 2020 East Midlands branch AGM can be downloaded.

Our members

Visit the branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (Dated January 2023).


Interim Chair: Dr Ron Dixon CBiol FRSB
Secretary:  Rosemary Hall MRSB
Treasurer: Dr Geoff Buck CBiol MRSB

Members: Dr Cas Kramer FRSB, Jess Mackie AMRSB, Cllr Marianne Overton OBE FRSB, Dr Benita Percival MRSB, Dr Saurav Saha MRSB, Geraldine Williams

Contact details

We welcome event ideas and how you can become more involved. Please get in touch by emailing us at