Yorkshire banner

The RSB branch structure is changing in 2025. Our members in Yorkshire have run a range of great local events. Read about our past events and find out about upcoming events near you on our events pages.

Our members

Visit the branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (Dated January 2023). Download AGM minutes from November 2018 and November 2019, November 2020, November 2021November 2022, and the most recent AGM held in November 2023.

Current committee

Chair: Dr Fiona Real CBiol MRSB
Vice Chair: Dr Lynda Partridge FRSB
Secretary: Sara Booth-Card MRSB
Treasurer: Professor Graham Bonwick CBiol FRSB
Social Media Officer: Dr Ioana Lock

Members: Professor Val Randall CBiol FRSB, Dr Sohan Jheeta FRSB, Dr Richard Reece-Jones CBiol FRSB, Dr Antony Scimone MRSB, Dr Tayyebeh Vafaee MRSB, Dr Martin Walker MRSB, Dr Qaiser Iftikhar Sheikh FRSB, and Chinyere Chioma Nganwuchu MRSB.

Co-opted committee members will be formally elected to the committee at the next branch Annual General Meeting, upon a second of their nomination and agreement by the committee.

Contact details

Please get in touch by emailing us at yorkshire@rsb.org.uk