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Today’s Referendum outcome will result in the UK leaving the European Union. There will now be a period of uncertainty in many areas of UK policy, including bioscience research and practice, and its funding, until new decisions are made or existing arrangements confirmed.

Dr Mark Downs CBiol FRSB, chief executive of the Royal Society of Biology said:

“It will be vital to recognise the importance of UK science and scientists as the terms of our EU exit begin to be considered. It is well proven that research and the biosciences are a key engine for sustainable growth and public benefit for the UK. It is essential that in our next set of economic and policy decisions we keep that in clear view and ensure that good science and research community advice is effectively heard.

“Science by its very nature is a collaboration. Strong research partnerships with EU-based scientists will continue to be essential for the UK. Ease of exchange and movement of people will remain critical. We must ensure that research currently enabled by EU funding can continue, and we must reassure the brightest and best researchers and students that the rights they have now will continue.”

In the run up to the referendum we gathered evidence from our members and the wider bioscience community and presented this to Parliamentary inquiries as well as making relevant information available via our website. We will continue to work to ensure that UK national and international policies are effectively informed by excellent bioscience and bioscientists.

Parliamentary Links Day, an annual event organised by the RSB on behalf of the science and engineering community to strengthen the dialogue between the scientific community, MPs and Peers, will be held at the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday 28th June. This year's theme is Science After the Referendum: What Next? Follow the conversation on social media #LinksDay16