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20.11.24 - 22.11.24
College Court, Knighton Rd, Knighton, Leicester LE2 3UF

An international conference from the Genetics Society

This three day conference will run from Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd November 2024 in Leicester.

Meeting background

When Barbara McClintock first described transposable elements in the 1940s, the scientific community widely disregarded her theory that they were key genetic control elements important in development and differentiation, while recognizing the importance of their ability to move.

Recent years have seen a revival of McClintock's original theory with an increasing number of studies pointing to critical roles played by transposable elements in evolution, development and differentiation as well as their contribution to diseases such as cancer and neurological or cardiovascular disorders.

This meeting will highlight examples from the different branches of the tree of life of the molecular mechanisms through which these elements contribute to evolution and disease by regulating the activity of the host genome.


Please download the draft programme for more information. This programme is subject to change, and a final programme will be available to download in due course.

There will be a gala dinner at the venue in the evening on Thursday 21st November, with food and beverages provided, the cost for this is included in the registration fee. 


Follow the instructions to submit an abstract form through the event page.
The deadline for abstract submission is midnight 31st July 2024, and a decision will be made by end of September  

Registration instructions & cost

You can find more information on rates and accommodation and register for this event on the event page.

Early bird rates will be available until 31st July 2024, when new rates will be released, including virtual attendance. Bookings will close on 1st November 2024.

Special requirements

College court is fully accessible, if you have accessibility requirements, please let us know during your booking, and we will do what we can to accommodate your needs.


This Genetics Society event is being supported by the Royal Society of Biology.
Please direct all meeting or booking queries to Lucy Eckersley at or on 020 3925 3445.


If you would like to sponsor this event, please see our sponsorship information, and contact Lucy Eckersley at or on 020 3925 3445.

Further details

For full details and to register, visit the event website.