The Annual General Meeting and Charter Lecture of the RSB
Our 2025
Annual General Meeting will take place on
Wednesday 21 May in the Science Suite at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA from 11:00 - 13:00, followed by an hour networking lunch.
Members from all grades are welcome to attend the AGM, but only those members at grades MRSB and above are entitled to vote. Up to two representatives from each
Member Organisation of the Society can attend the AGM. Only
Full Member Organisations may vote and only one representative is entitled to vote.
Members at grades MRSB will be able to vote online through
mySociety. Online voting will open in due course, and votes can be cast up to 48 hours before the AGM, with votes closing on
Monday 19 May.
Agenda and papers
An agenda for the meeting, as well as the draft minutes from the 2024 Annual General Meeting will be available in due course. The Annual Report and Accounts will also be formally approved during the meeting.
Charter Lecture
Professor Daniel M Davis MBE FMedSci FRSB, Head of Life Sciences & Professor of Immunology at Imperial College London and chair of the editorial board for
The Biologist, will delivery this year's Charter Lecture entitled 'Self Defence: A Myth-busting Guide to Immune Health'.
We are surrounded by big claims for how to enhance our immunity. But the one thing the science is clear on is that everyone's immune system is entirely unique. So how do we tell the myths from the facts? And is there anything we can actually do to benefit our immune health? World-leading immunologist Daniel M Davis will present his
new myth-busting guide to the effects of stress, age, exercise, weight, nutrition, sleep and mental health on our immune health.
About the speakerDaniel M Davis MBE FMedSci FRSB is a leading immunologist and passionate science communicator. He has held key academic positions at Imperial College London and the University of Manchester and earned his PhD in physics before transitioning to immunology research at Harvard University. A frequent speaker at science and literary festivals, he is also the author of
several acclaimed books published by Penguin Random House. In 2025, he was awarded an MBE for his contributions to science communication.
Advance registration is essential through the link at the top of the page, the deadline for in-person attendance is Wednesday 7 May, the deadline for virtual attendance is Monday 19 May.
Proposals from members
If any voting members have any proposals or any matter which they wish to make or bring before an Annual General Meeting, they should give four weeks' written notice thereof to the Chief Executive. The proposed motion shall be supported in writing by no fewer than ten voting members. To submit please email
Special requirements
If you have accessibility requirements, please let us know during your booking using the additional information options, and we will do what we can to accommodate your needs, for example:
- You use mobility aids such as a wheelchair, walking stick or crutches
- You have a visual or hearing impairment, such as requiring hearing loops
- You will be bringing a registered service animal
- You have dietary needs (vegetarian/vegan/kosher/halal/gluten-free or an allergy, e.g. peanuts)
If you require a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP), please contact us as soon as possible
Continuing Professional Development
This event is approved by the Royal Society of Biology for the purposes of
CPD and can be counted as
6 CPD points.
For any event or voting queries, please contact Lucy Eckersley at or 020 3925 3445.