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The RSB is launching its first ever #MembershipMay campaign across social media, as part of the 10 year anniversary celebrations.

The month-long social media campaign will highlight ways in which the RSB supports its members, provide information on membership grades, guidance on how to upgrade and showcase some members’ profiles.

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New members who start their application during Membership May and complete it before 1st July will also get 15 months of membership for the price of 12.

The RSB currently has almost 18,000 members worldwide, across all disciplines of the biosciences and at all stages of their career. Biologists can join the RSB as early as aged 14 as a BioNet member, and it is not necessary for members to have any formal biosciences qualification to apply to join the RSB network.

Member benefits include: access to the RSB’s award-winning magazine The Biologist, discounts on our Continuing Professional Development scheme and training courses, access to our professional registers, the opportunity to feed into education and science policy development, outreach and engagement opportunities and more.

Membership prices range from just £5 for BioNet members to £193 for Fellowship, with discounts available for bioscientists in education, on a career break or retired.

Mark Leach, associate director, explains how vital a diverse membership is to the RSB’s work. “Everything the RSB achieves is due to our membership, who bring their expertise and experience to the work we do – be it advising on government policy, recognising outstanding biosciences education or delivering outreach and engagement.

We aim to support bioscientists throughout their whole career, from students thinking of studying biology to retired professors who still wish to be an active part of the community. Anyone with an interest in biology is more than welcome to join. Our strengths lie in the diversity of the interests and skillsets of our membership.”

For those wishing to join the RSB for the first time, applications can be made through the new quick submission form. Applicants will be elected in the next quarterly election on 1st July 2020.

Follow the campaign on social media using #MembershipMay, or find out more about which grade of membership is best for you.