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About Us

The Royal Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting our members, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences. The Society represents a diverse membership of individuals, learned societies and other organisations.

Individual members include practising scientists, students at all levels, professionals in academia, industry and education, and non-professionals with an interest in biology.

Our vision

Is of a world that values biology’s contribution to improving life for all.

Our mission

Is to be a unifying voice for biology for the public benefit; to provide impartial evidence-based advice; to raise professional standards; to support biologists throughout their careers; to engage the public with our work; to support the bioscience community and to provide events and other fora for information exchange in the biosciences.

Our values

Vocal: we are a strong voice for biology

Advancing: we advance interest, education, professional development and policy in the biosciences through our membership, staff and volunteers

Leading: we consult and represent our profession with a proactive and honest approach to the public, governments and policymakers

Uniting: we bring together individuals and organisations to promote our vision, enhance quality and develop standards

Evolving: we enhance and develop our resources to meet the evolving needs of the sector, our membership and the UK

Inclusive: we promote diversity and equality for all in the biosciences

Inspiring: we aim to inspire our members and the wider public with the wonders of biology through effective communication and engagement

We use the terms biology, biosciences, life sciences, and biological sciences interchangeably to encompass all areas of the science of life from molecules, through whole organisms to ecosystems and across every specialism.

The Royal Society of Biology integrates equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) as an important part of our business plan, and continued engagement from our Board of Trustees, staff and members reflects the importance of these values.

The Royal Society of Biology is committed to embedding and communicating EDI strategies throughout the organisation and its activities. We acknowledge the importance of diversity at all learning and career stages to ensure equal opportunities and create an inclusive environment that welcomes, attracts and benefits from a variety of experiences, skills, qualities and perspectives. We strive to tackle barriers and create a life science community that is representative of the wider society we serve.

The Royal Society of Biology recognises its environmental and societal responsibilities, and as a unifying voice for biology, we are committed to:

  • becoming a carbon neutral and nature positive organisation, through quick and sustainable actions, in a way that will provide long-term benefit to the environment, biodiversity and people of our planet.
  • helping both our individual and organisational members to reduce their respective carbon footprints and negative impacts on nature, with flexibility and recognition of community and organisational differences.
  • advocating for evidence-based government policies that address environmental sustainability challenges. RSB will continue to lead in convening, championing and synthesising bioscience expertise and evidence, to provide recommendations to policymakers.

Our Climate and Nature Strategy is available to download here.

The Royal Society of Biology is a registered charity (No. 277981) and is incorporated by Royal Charter.